Peace in Stormy Times!
with Pr Conrad Vine
Friday Evening, January 31 and Sabbath, February 1.
Belgrave Heights Convention Centre
3 Convention Ave Belgrave Heights, Victoria
Register for this Seminar
Adults: $200 per person
Children (age 5-12): $150 person
- 2 nights accommidation
- 5 Meals
- BYO bedding or $30 extra per person for bedding included
Day Visitors: No charge
- Sabbath Lunch $20 per person (Children 5-12: $15, 4 and under free)
Please make payment for accommodation/meals by calling Steps to Life on 03 9739 4093 or 0411 481 930 or via direct debit.
BSB: 063689, Account: 10045713, Account Name: Steps to Life
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